Chrome Delete
Want to stand out from the crowd?
You know those chrome trims and accents that come standard on many vehicles? While they might add a touch of flash, they’re not everyone’s cup of tea. That’s where our Chrome Delete service comes in.
So, how does it work?
It’s simple, really. We use high-quality vinyl wraps to cover up those chrome areas, giving them a smooth, matte finish that seamlessly blends in with the rest of your vehicle’s body.
But the benefits of Chrome Delete go beyond just aesthetics. By eliminating those shiny chrome accents, you’re also reducing the risk of corrosion and damage.
At CleanCut, we don’t just wrap cars. We wrap:
- Exterior Chrome
- Interior chrome
- Interior Panels
- Bars
- Stained Glass
- Walls
Whatever you need wrapped, we can make it happen.
And let’s not forget about customization
And if there’s something specific to make your ride truly unique, we can even create a printed custom design to your liking as well.
Ready to give your car a makeover? Contact us today to schedule your Chrome Delete service and let us help you achieve the sleek, sophisticated look you’ve been dreaming of.